These little bundles of six sixteenths of a metre are perfect for mixing in with other scraps for a traditional boro inspired look. I chose Tilda chambray fabrics which reminded me of some of the vintage cotton linings in early C20th meisen silk kimono from my collection, like the one in the last photo. The colours were inspired by the sugared almonds that always used to be a feature of our Christmas 'nibbles' when I was a child. I loved their pretty pastel colours, but wasn't too impressed with their flavour. I haven't eaten one for years!These are very smooth, fine cottons, ideal for patchwork or boro inspired pieces. They are a little too fine for sashiko, unless perhaps you used the 3-ply fine sashiko thread,
and a smaller sashiko needle.This listing is for ONE mini boro bundle, but several are shown in the first photo to give you a better view of the fabrics.
I'll be adding more bundles soon. It is easier (and more fun for me!) to make these bundles in one-off batches, rather than trying to repeat the same fabric assortment, so once these are gone, I may not repeat them.100% cotton
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