A pack of twelve Kofu Tsumugi fat quarters shading through from cool blues to warm reds and purples, via greens and yellow, ideal for creating a sashiko version of a 'temperature quilt' - using one 3 1/2in square per day, the fabric representing the daytime high temperature, and the sashiko thread shading in colours to represent the night time low temperature (sashiko thread sold separately). Using one fabric colour for three degrees, there are enough colours to allow for a variation of 36ºC, but if you live in a place with less variation, you could use one colour per 2ºC increment instead.
There is a 15% discount off the price of buying these fat quarters individually.
How do you work out the colours for a temperature quilt? You could record the daily high and low temperature yourself, or take the information from online weather forecast sites like accuweather.com which has historical temperature records for many locations worldwide. temperature-blanket.com is very helpful, including more links to historical temperature records but also having visualisation tools where you can choose colours (from knitting yarn swatches), temperature increments, and a blanket/quilt generator so you can get an impression of how your quilt is going to look. Of course, if you think the temperature range where you live isn't very dramatic (ours isn't!), you can always use a different location. I'm planning to make mine using the temperatures from Shōnai, Japan, where I used to live, which is warmer in summer than Perthshire!
Colours are (cold to hot) - deep blue purple 2508, indigo blue 2008, teal blue 2507, light blue (slate blue) 2506, dark green 2004, green 2505, light grey (taupe) 2501, mustard yellow 2007, russet 2503, brick red 2002, deep red 2003, and bright purple 2513. Depending on the temperature variation where you live, you may need a little extra of some colours, but these can be purchased as individual fat quarters or as 30 x 35cm precuts.
If you live somewhere with a very wide variation in daytime temperatures or you want to use one fabric per 2ºC increment, you could extend the number of fabrics with a second 'extender' pack, with various greys and a softer pink and lilac.
Kofu Tsumugi is a richly coloured yarn dyed tsumugi cotton fabric from Olympus Thread Mfg. Co., good for sashiko, patchwork, bag making and other projects. It is the same fabric used for my pre printed sashiko panels. The coloured warp and black weft gives this fabric a deep colour, with little slubs to add texture and character. The weave is loose enough to easily stitch sashiko with fine or medium sashiko threads but close enough to be able to do quite fine patchwork piecing. Ideal for wearables, furoshiki wrapping cloths etc.
Twelve 50 x 55cm fat quarters
100% cotton
Made in Japan by Olympus Thread Mfg. Co.
NB - available by the individual quarter metre, half metre, and metre. Many colours also available as 30 x 35cm pieces.
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