Now available by the fat quarter, half metre and metre. Please select multiples of the size you require. There is a also a whole bolt (5m) option, with a 5% discount!*
Richly coloured yarn dyed tsumugi cotton fabric from Olympus Thread Mfg. Co., good for sashiko, patchwork, bag making and other projects. The coloured warp and black weft gives this fabric a deep colour, with little slubs to add texture and character. The weave is loose enough to easily stitch sashiko with fine or medium sashiko threads but close enough to be able to do quite fine patchwork piecing. Ideal for wearables, furoshiki wrapping cloths etc. This is the same tsumugi fabric as my pre printed panels, geometric A2501 and kamon crests B2501.
108cm wide
100% cotton
Made in Japan by Olympus Thread Mfg. Co.
NB - available by the quarter metre, half metre, and metre. Please select carefully! Fabric will be sent as one continous length. Maximum length on bolt is 5 metres.
*Depending on stock levels, whole bolts may need to be ordered specially from Japan, which can take a couple of weeks to arrive. I will let you know on receipt of order, or send me an email enquiry first.
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