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The Ultimate Sashiko Sourcebook
The Ultimate Kogin Collection
The Book of Boro
20th Anniversary Limited Edition hardback with 12 new designs
Pre order your copy now!
I am planning to trade at the following shows next year - 2025
Spring Quilt Festival, Wetherby Racecourse - Thursday 10th - Saturday 13th April. I managed to change to a bigger stand, so now on stands 9 & 10, next to the large cafe area. All the info at I'm also teaching the same mini boro landscape workshop that I'm doing at the SEC Show in March.
NB - Grosvenor Shows have changed their opening hours so please check their website! Shows now opening at 9.30am.
World Texile Day (WTD) - various dates. Please check our website for more information on all the events (new website just launched!) I will be at WTD East (Mundford) Saturday 10th May, WTD Scotland (Bridge of Allan) Saturday 31st May, and WTD Central (Kings Sutton) Saturday 21st June.
QUILTS UK Malvern - Thursday 15th to Sunday 18th May. YES, I'm going to be there! Stand numbers 209 - 211. All the info at
SashikoFest 2025 - Saturday 24th May - 10am - 4pm - Frodsham Community Centre, Fluin Lane, Frodsham. We are moving this event to Frodsham for the second year, and will continue to move around the UK in future years.
Kempton Park Quilt Show - Friday 13th - Sunday 16th June - All info at
Newcastle Quilt Show, Newcastle Racecourse (Gosforth Park) - Friday 5th & Saturday 6th September. Stand numbers 32 & 33 (same as 2024). All info at
The Great Yorkshire Quilt Show, Doncaster Racecourse - Friday 3rd - Sunday 5th October - stand number to be announced. All the info at
NB - no plans to trade at Festival of Quilts but will see how it goes!
Due to my ongoing health issues mentioned on my about me page, I am not yet planning to return to teaching workshops away from home, traveling from group to group as I used to do. I just can't do the long distance driving I used to do, and my immuno suppressant medications mean I'm vulnerable to catching infections. If possible, I may do some one off short workshops or other events, but this depends on how well I am. I couldn't do any of the events above without the wonderful support of my husband, Glyn. Plus I now have the shop in Coupar Angus, so I need to be at home much more!
Any updates will also be announced in my newsletters, so please join my mailing list to hear the latest information.
Events planned for 2026 -
I will be back at the SEC for the Scottish Quilting Show from Thursday 5th to Saturday 7th March 2026. More information soon.
I am also planning to be back at Dornoch Fibre Fest in March 2026 - dates to be announced.