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The Book of Boro
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I work with some excellent technichal editors, designers and proofreaders on my books, but occasionally an error slips through. Where I know about a problem, I'll post it here, so if you think you've found a mistake, please see if it has been reported first - and, if not, please let me know!
In over 20 years of writing books, I've written probably close to a million words, and drawn over a thousand diagrams. So, in proportion to the work done, there are actually very few mistakes.
Sashiko 365
I was proof reading this book while recovering from Covid, when I had terrible brain fog in addition to costochondritis and other major health problems, and a few errors did not get spotted. They have now been passed on to my publishers. Several were spotted during proofreading but were not taken in.
Pattern 11 - there is an extra row of diagonal stitches at the bottom of the diagram. The illustrator was asked several times to correct this. The stitched sample is correct.
Pattern 118 - 1/2in (4cm) circle should be 2in (5cm) circle. This should be possible to work out from the diagram though.
Pattern 348 and 349 - somehow the kanji characters for Spring and Summer got switched over and this wasn't spotted! So please reverse them. And for those who have criticised my kanji writing abilities, all four kanji are actually those designed by the graphic designer at Olympus to go onto my Olympus 2020 sashiko kamon sampler panels!
The Ultimate Kogin Collection
Sampler diagram, page 50 - pattern 12 (dark blue) should be labelled as pattern 36 in the pattern directory. I'm guessing we didn't spot that one because 12 (fukube, gourd) is a smaller version of 36 (kurumi gara, walnut's shell) - the larger one has musubi bara (flower knot, motif 6) in the corners which are four of the smaller hanako (flower, motif 3). This info has been passed to my editor, to see if it can be corrected in future editions.
Japanese Quilt Blocks to Mix and Match
Block 12 - Yosegi Juji Masu - The third piece should measure 6 1/2in x 3 1/2in, not 6in x 3 1/2in (we think the 1/2in measurement dropped off the text during the editing stages).
Block 78 and Block 79 - there was a resizing error in early copies of the book, which was corrected circa 2009. The template for Block 78 should be resized by 200% not 400% and the template for Block 79 should be used at the same size it appears in the book.
Kimono blocks - there is nothing wrong with the measurements of the kimono side sections, but you must take very accurate quarter inch (6mm) seam allowances.
Seam allowances throughout the book - some of the blocks have a LOT of pieces and it is vital that your seam allowances are exactly a quarter inch (6mm). If they are only fractionally over, blocks with a lot of seams won't measure 9 1/2in (9in finished)! Check that your quarter inch foot really does give you a quarter inch seam - some are rather generous...
Japanese Taupe Quilt Blocks
Page 38 - Kasuri Sankaku Ichimatsu - 1 1/2in squares should be 2in squares.
The 1718 Coverlet
Pattern 29 needs the seam allowance added in the modern instructions - should tell readers to trim the four-patch block to 3 11/16 NOT 3 3/16in. This error was spotted earlier in the checking process but obviously wasn't taken in and I didn't spot that it hadn't been altered when I did my final checks.
Blocks 120 and 128 are labelled as pattern 30 on the layout illustration on page 24 - 25. They should both be pattern 39. Pattern 39 lists block 128 but not block 120. I think the confusion arose because there’s very little of block 120 actually remaining - the centre has rotted away so much, it is hard to tell what is in the middle - and the pattern numbers were allocated while I was still working from quite a low resolution photo of the whole coverlet from the Quilt Museum's website. So they need renumbering as pattern 39 on the layout illustration and the numbers will need changing on page 52 and at the start of pattern 30 and 39. To give you an idea of the incredibly tight timescales for the book's text, there was only a month between the high resolution photos arriving with me in early December and the complete text and diagrams having to be delivered at the end of the first week in January.